On 27th November 2010, well over 100,000 took to the streets of Dublin to protest against the coming years of austerity; cuts to all sorts of benefits & services, extra charges on wages, VAT increase, property tax, water charge and probably a few more I’m missing, and definitely a few more yet to come.
Since the property tax came in, I've been forced to move home, saw my wages decrease until the company I worked for closed down. I’ve seen my village degrade, library hours cut, roads and footpaths a mess, rubbish increased, lack of council workers on the streets.
Water is now "managed" by Irish Water who are a joke of company and the most in the spotlight thing of the years of austerity. With overpaid management & consultants and too large a work force, leaks are still widespread, and boil notices still a common practise. I can’t get the Gardai to come to my house when its broken in to, or when I witness a hit and run, but Irish Water will have as many Guards as they need to remove protesters in minutes.
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