Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Rant!

Its a bored Sunday evening after getting back from a few days away, so that means its time for another rant, but only a fairly quick one!

Stolen photographs!

Not ones stolen by other websites to use as random stock (thats for another day!) but people stealing photographs and passing them off as their own work - namely photographers and make up artists. I frequently come across it, but heres just a couple of samples from this evening!!

I logged onto to model mayhem as I got an email which ended up being spam-ish, but a photo caught me eye so I had a look at the rest of the portfolio. A photographer with photos of Anna Kournikova (from early in her modeling career), Victoria Silvstedt (taken in Dublin last week, labeled as been taken in the UK, with the photographer living on the other side of the world!), and another lifted straight from a "prom dress website" in his portfolio asking TFCD to get his work more varied! Come on, if you are going to steal photographs for your portfolio at least steal photographs that most people wont recognize and straight away put through to see the original (or in most cases many!) sources.

Earlier in the week I found a fantastic new make up artist in Dublin so this evening I went back to have another look at her work. Well actually, maybe not a fantastic new make up artist in Dublin. One of 'her' photos was very familiar, again a quick tineye search confirmed, yes it was a promo shot from Mercedes Fashion Week. Another was lifted straight from a stock website, now thats where you can get yourself in trouble and a nice hefty invoice in the mail. A search of the others throws them up on numerous websites. How can you call yourself a make up artist, be looking for work, and not have a single sample of your own work, and try and pass someone else's (in some cases well publicised work) work as your own.

I can see some people asking, why do you care what photos people steal, it doesn't affect you. Well it does. I hire a make up artist based on their portfolio, for them to turn up and not be able to produce the results. Thats when it affects me. The make up one pissed me off more, she's local and based on her portfolio I would have used her.

So people, when you set up your model mayhem / Facebook / whatever don't steal photographs, you'll only end up looking a total fool and more than likely ruin the chances of ever being hired for anything. If you really want to be a photographer or MUA, then get of your lazy ass and do some work on your portfolio.

Some Make Up Artists I can recommend!

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